If an enterprise architecture team tries to be everything to everybody, at all possible levels of detail, at every point in time, it will fail. The result will be that it doesn’t do anything for anybody, which would be unfortunate. When it works, EA can have a significant impact on the quality, consistency, and speed of decision-making.
How can you avoid the inevitable overload and the misunderstood expectations? Every great enterprise architecture team I know constantly examines the work it is doing in the context of the resources it has available, the number of hours available each day, the objectives it must meet and the expectations of its stakeholders. In addition, the leaders appreciate that EA teams evolve over time and adjust to the changing needs of their business. The key is to know which activities they must perform, how many at a time, how frequently and in what order. The attached presentation is a starting point to understand the range of activities you COULD do. The challenge is to determine which of these you CAN and SHOULD do.
[slideshare id=5648942&doc=eadirectionseaactivitycatalog-101102164803-phpapp01]